Hell's Poker Reality TV Series $1,000,000 Survivor Challenge ("TV series") Sponsorship Terms & Conditions as so set forth herein by and between HP Productions (“production company”) and the sponsor and cast member.
By submitting the application to be a sponsored cast member on the reality TV series you therein agree to the terms and conditions here. All terms and conditions may be changed without notice at the sole discretion of the production company.
You are required to make payment for sponsorship upon your application. You will receive an invoice to make payment. All sponsorship fees are refundable if sponsor or cast member is not accepted.
Eligible cast members who want to appear on the TV Series can bypass the standard audition process by being sponsored to appear as a cast member (“Player / Demon”) in the TV series. A pending cast member may pay a sponsorship fee themselves or have a 3rd party pay the sponsorship fee for them.
The cast member must still meet the requirements for being cast to appear on the TV series and fill out a cast application form to be processed. If they meet the requirements they are then made a cast member in the TV series without any further audition. Sponsored cast members do not go through the standard contest process of auditioning process. Both sponsors and cast members agree that it is sole discretion for acceptance of this application and the cast member by the production company.
Sponsors may market and advertise their sponsorship of the cast member in a limited manner on a case by case basis on any media or platform. Sponsors may submit their marketing or advertising of the cast member they are sponsoring. All marketing and advertising or promotion of the cast member, product or service using the cast member is at the sole discretion of the production company.
Sponsors and cast members are bound by the terms of the cast member agreement which takes priority over the sponsorship agreement.
Any sponsorship made between the sponsor and cast member has no binding on the production company and the production company is not bound by any such agreement between the sponsor and cast member.
Sponsorship of a cast member does make or convey any rights or usage to the sponsor being a sponsor of the TV series itself. The sponsor is not a sponsor of the tv series and is a sponsor of the contestant only.
The use of the term "cast member" does not mean the individual is part of the cast unless, per the terms they are accepted by the production company, all fees are paid in full, and the sponsor has been accepted. Use of the term is for reference only. No individual is a cast member until all terms have been met and accepted by the production company.
These are the complete terms of the sponsorship agreement.